Sunday, January 19, 2014

Days 14 Through 19: Same Old Things and Revelations

I realized after starting this blog, that challenging myself to cook once a day was a great idea. And it is. I'm enjoying it. Even if I don't update every day, I'm still spending at least one meal in the kitchen.


When you are short of funds, you start to realize that you eat a lot of the same old things, because they are a) cheap, b) easy to throw together, and c) come from a box.

Case in point: Mac n' Cheese. (With tuna and frozen peas n' carrots, of course.)

Or TexMex salad in a bag. Or Hamburger-freakin' Helper.

And I seriously don't think you need updates from that sort of eating.

Then I had a revelation. I realized that by making these meals, I was, essentially, being a lazy cook. A good chunk of the population can boil water, brown ground beef, and toss powdered flavoring on it. It's harder to find meals that are relatively healthy, with good quality ingredients that don't cost a small fortune.  I can find and incorporate specialty items, as they come along, things that I haven't tried... tips and tricks I've picked up over the years (like how to perfectly hardboil an egg. No, really.)...things I find culinarily inspiring (Pinterest will be my downfall).

Now, I'm not a health nut. Neither is Dragon. I'm not trying to sell you some diet, or change your eating habits or whatever. But I do want to romance my stove a bit more because it's just... a gorgeous, inspiring kitchen setting. So what I propose is this: I'm going to update this every time I make something new. Something that *hasn't* been on this blog before. I'm going to try tweaking it to be better for us, but I'm not going to shy away from the stuff that is, perhaps, a bunch more decadent either.

Should be fun, right?


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