Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 6: Meatball Party!

I believe both of us can give major props to Teen Titans Go! for this particular meatball infused dish.

Meatball Party Sketti!

In case you can't tell from the photo on the left, this is another of those "put a bunch of stuff together that sounds tasty and bake it" meals. 

Roundup of ingrediental suspects: Meatballs, cheese, angel hair pasta (this is Dragon's fault), and sauce. 

Wolverine cup is, of course, completely optional.

In other words: I'm sure this *could* be made healthier. But it's been one of those "Meh, let's eat something delicious," days where you don't particularly care what it does to your waistline because you know you're going to be working it off somehow anyway.

And no, pirating on Assassin's Creed 4 doesn't count. 

Though in an ideal world... it totally would.

First, you preheat the oven according to your meatball maker's directions. Pop them in a casserole dish and cook those balls of meaty awesome until they're done. 

Meanwhile, boil water. Add pasta. Cook to almost al dente.

A note of explanation about blaming Dragon for the Angel Hair pasta: he ruined regular spaghetti noodles for me when we were just a wee couple trying to make it in the world. It was something I tried because he insisted, and lo, I found I enjoyed it verily. Thus was history written.

While your noodles are a-boilin', after the meatballs have been cooked, pour in the jar of sauce and let it warm a bit while you wait for the pasta. 

When the pasta is done, drain it and add it to the casserole dish. Mix, thoroughly, and then cover with cheese. 

Your mileage may vary regarding the "cover with cheese" bit. As will the type of cheese you use. Depending on how badly we need a meatball party hug in our bellies, we adjust our cheese addition. In this case, about a cup of triple cheddar. Yum.

Let it cook in the oven for about 10 minutes more, until the cheese is all gooey and melty and delicious. Then pull out the bowls, fill 'em up, and weep over Downton Abbey, knowing that you have a warm, saucy, delicious meatball waiting for you when you're done wiping those eyes.


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